Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Gracie and The "Almost" Rock Legend

Happy Father's Day to Jason....I thought Guitar Hero (for the Wii) would be a great idea...and in theory it was....Jason loves it....the kids love watching Dad rock out and try to make it to Rock Legend...what they love even more is seeing him get "booed" off the stage or wait is that me? HA! I can harldy wait for the day that all the grown men get together and try to "win" this kids game.

Gracie says when she was a "little" kid her favorite color was dark pink and now that she is "big" it is Purple!

1 comment:

Emily said...

I'm so happy you guys finally got Guitar Hero!! I knew Jason would love it. Tell him to get some practice in, and when he thinks he's good enough to battle me, let me know and i'll be over to challenge him :)