November 24, 2007-- Whispering Pines Farm: Danville, Indiana
It was 27 degrees and windy but, it was worth it to ride the tractor out to the field and cut down our first "real" Christmas Tree together as a family....Jason was prepared with the chainsaw in the trunk..luckily we didn't get it out b/c it only took a little hand saw :-) I know the pics aren't very centered Grandpa Jeff but, we were FREEZING!
The kids were prepared to catch their treasured tree and it went the only place they weren't standing....
Taylor and Gracie actually working "together"
We hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving and we look forward to seeing you all on Christmas Day!
Here we are enjoying the tractor ride back for some Hot Cholcolate to warm us up. Here we are set to leave...The Durango in it's 10th year and the guy tying our tree up says "that has a nice RUMBLE to it"....good grief....
We hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving and we look forward to seeing you all on Christmas Day!